Finding The Best Chair Massage Near Me
To find the best chair massage near me, we first have to look at what chair massage is? Chair Massage which is also known as seated massage is a type of massage therapy that takes place on a traditional massage chair, this chair is designed to take the weight of the spine, which gives easy access to the arm, neck, shoulder, back and head. This type of massage does not require oil or creams and it is mostly done over the clothes. It is usually utilized at events, exhibitions and corporate events, it is a great mobile service which is ideal for any work space.
Origin of Chair Massage
David Palmer is the first person to file for the first traditional chair massage patent in 1986, which was originally dubbed, a chair in a box. This was inspired by Serge Bouyssou who was a French cabinet maker two years earlier.
David also pens down his first encounter with Serge Bouyssou and its as follows:
“The first time we met I explained the concept of seated massage and told him my specifications. “I want a chair with a Balans-style base that also supports the customer leaning forward into an angled chest and face support with a place to rest the arms. Oh, and by the way,” I said, “it has to be portable.”
Serge took this all in for a moment and then said, “Oh. You want a box.” “No, no,” I replied, “I want a chair.” More firmly he insisted, “No. You want a box.” Then he went to the whiteboard and proceeded to draw out how a chair could be built using a box as a base and with detachable supports–which could be stored inside the base–for the rest of the body. “You’re right,” I finally agreed, “I want a box.”
The massage chair design was a collaborated effort by David and Serge, and they both worked with Jim Everett, the owner of Living Earth Crafts (A massage table manufacturer in California) and they finally released the first ever massage chair to the market.
This chair weighed 28 pounds and it was a collapsible chair, the first ever designed for massage and it could safely support a person. He taught chair massage in 24 schools around US, Canada, and Europe, which sparked the massage chair revolution.
The first ever massage chair was a stool.
Health Benefits of Chair Massage
There are a lot of benefits to having a chair massage, which ranges from relaxation to easing muscle tension. Some of these benefits are:
- Reduced Muscle Tension and Knots
Some common issues people face are muscle tension and knots, this is usually caused by stress, poor posture or muscle overuse. Muscles can feel tight when they are tensed, it can be painful and it can feel tight or stiff, which is also known as myofascial trigger points and these are specific areas within the muscle where fibers are tightly contracted, this can lead to discomfort and restricted movement.
Reducing muscle tension and knots can significantly improve your overall well-being. One of the the best ways to do this is through chair massage.
- Deeper Breathing
Deeper breathing, also known as diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing, is a powerful technique that can help enhance your physical and mental health. This is unlike shallow breathing, which primarily uses the chest muscles, deeper breathing makes use of the diaphragm, which allows for a fuller exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Some of the benefits of deeper breathing are improved oxygenation, stress reduction, enhanced digestion, better sleep, and pain management, and one of the major ways to achieve this is through the chair massage.
- Headache Relief
Headaches are a very common ailment that can seriously impact your quality of life. Whether it is caused by stress, tension, dehydration, or other factors, finding effective headache relief is essential for maintaining well-being. One of the major strategies and treatments to help alleviate headache pain and prevent future occurrences is through chair massage.
- Stress Reduction
Stress is an inevitable part of modern life, but managing it effectively is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Chair massages offer a convenient and effective way to reduce stress. Which are:
Chair massage helps with immediate relaxation, quick relief and accessibility, its physical benefits include muscle tension relief and improved circulation.
Its mental health benefits include decreased anxiety and enhanced mood, it increases productivity that many companies are now offering on-site chair massage to boost employee morale and productivity.
It also helps to improve sleep and overall wellness.
- Increased focus and attention
Chair massage helps to enhance mental clarity and productivity, especially in a fast paced world like today. Maintaining focus and attention is crucial for achieving success in both personal and business endeavors.
How to Give Chair Massage
Chair massage is a good and effective way to provide relaxation and relieve muscle tension, with having a full body massage. Even if you’re a massage therapist or you’re someone offering to give family and friends a massage, this simple and yet effective guide will help to give a soothing chair massage.
- Preparation
- You have to choose the right massage chair created for this purpose and if this is not available, a sturdy straight-backed chair without an armrest can do the trick.
- Set the atmosphere by creating a calming environment with soft lighting, a gentle music and a comfortable room temperature.
- You have to sanitize and prepare by ensuring your hands are clean, and having a massage lotion at hand, but use it sparingly to avoid making the recipient clothes oily, some massagers don’t even make use of any massage oil or lotion.
2. Positioning the Recipient
- You have to position the seating arrangement very well by having the recipients sitting with their back turned towards you. They should lean forward with the chest and head resting on the support pad if you’re using a massage chair.
- Ensure to make the recipient relax and breathe deeply to prepare for the massage.
3. Shoulder and Neck
- When performing a chair massage, the shoulder and neck is the best place to start from. Gently place your hands on the recipient’s shoulders and apply light pressure. To warm the muscles, start with gentle squeeze and kneading motions.
- Then start with the neck massage, Make circular motions by using your thumbs at the base of the skull, do this working down towards the shoulders, apply moderate pressure and adjust according to the recipient’s comfort level.
4. Upper Back
- Knead the muscles by using the heel of your hands on either side of the spine and avoid pressing directly on the spine.
- Make circular motions along the upper back, paying attention to any areas of tension or knots.
5. Arms and Hands
- Gently squeeze and knead the upper arms from the shoulders down to the elbows.
- Massage the forearms using circular motions by applying gentle pressure.
- Focus on the palms stretching out and massage each hand. Use your thumbs to apply pressure to the palm in circular motion.
6. Lower Back
When performing this type of massage, you have to finish with the lower back.
- Knead the lower back using your hands by applying gentle to moderate pressure. Focus on the muscles on either side of the spine.
- Along the lower back, make circular motions with your fingers, easing any tension.
7. Closing the Massage
- Every massage has to come to an end. Finish the massage with long gentle strokes from shoulders down to the lower back. This helps to relax the muscles and provide a sense of closure.
- For a moment, allow the recipient to sit quietly for a moment, to fully absorb the benefits of the massage by taking a deep breath.
Tips for An Effective Massage
- Communicate
Communication is key to a lot of things, always check in with the recipient about the pressure and their comfort level throughout the massage.
- Always maintain a comfortable posture to avoid straining yourself during the massage.
- Always use the right pressure, which is according to the recipient’s preference. Some areas may require more or less pressure.
- Always stay relaxed and keep your movement fluid and relaxed to provide the best experience for the recipient.
By following these steps and tips, you can be sure to provide a relaxing and effective chair massage that helps alleviate tension and promote well being.
Chair Massage Near Me
If you are an individual looking for a chair massage, open the Google app and search for “ Chair massage near me or walk in chair massage near me” to get detailed office locations of such services. These results will even be very close to your location if your location is turned on on your phone or device.
In finding a chair massage near me, we have explored major aspects of this topic to give an effective reason to get a chair massage, its benefits and how to locate a capable chair massage specialist. Chair massage is one of the common forms of massage out there, with different techniques and in following out concise steps, you will be sure to be able to perform this massage at home or have someone perform it for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a chair massage called?
Chair massage is also known as seated massage, this form of massage takes place on a traditional massage chair.
2. Are chair massages healthy?
Chair massage is good and considered generally safe for everyone.
3. How much should you spend on a massage chair?
Massage chair costs as much as $3,000 and luxury ones can cost as much as $12,000. How much you want to spend depends on your budget.
4. What is a 15-minute chair massage?
This is a very good way to get a focused massage done by not taking up too much time.
5. What are some of the cons of chair massage?
The cost involved in getting a massage chair might not be good for some people or business entities. It can take up a lot of time for the massage recipient and the person giving it.